How many types of extra parcel services are there?
A total of 3 categories and 10 additional package services are provided for customers to choose from:
Demolish Packaging Service
- Demolish inner/ outer packaging services
– Suitable for those who want to save shipping fee by demolishing the inner/ outer packaging and repacking
– Notes:
- If any of the items are lost/ less during the process, MYPOZ reserved the right to check for the customers.
- Not suggested for the parcel consists of fragile items.
Fee: Demolish inner packaging- RM 1; demolish outer packaging- RM 1.50
Packages’ Photos
- Inner packaging photo
– Our warehouse staff will open the package and take the inner photo of the items inside and the outer package
– Note: If any of the items are lost/ less during the process, MYPOZ reserved the right to check for the customers.
Fee: RM 1
- Outer packaging photo
– Our warehouse staff will take the outer package’s photo only, MYPOZ reserved the right to check for the customers, if any of the items are lost/ less during the process.
Fee: RM 0.50
Extra Protection Services
- Wooden box/ frame packaging services
– Suitable for fragile items or large furniture.
– Notes:
- Calculate according to the volume of the package, the minimum fee will be charged by default if it does not exceed the volume limit
- Customer service will notify the customers if the package exceeds the volume limit
- For those who selected this service, please use manual payment services.
- As the package has a wooden frame, the warehouse staff will leave a message in the order, and change to the sensitive channel by default.
Fee: Wooden box- minimum RM 225; Wooden frame-0.1 m3 or below: RM 26; 0.11 to 0.2 m3 : RM 30 – RM 60; 0.21m3 – 0.3m3 : RM 60-RM 80
- Wooden pallet and wooden frame packaging services/Wooden pallet service
– Suitable for fragile items, large furniture, irregular-shaped shipments, and so on
– If the package is very heavy, or small but heavy, it is necessary to pack with a wooden pallet for the forklift to move and avoid damage
– Notes:
- Calculate according to the volume of the package, the minimum fee will be charged by default if it does not exceed the volume limit
- Customer service will notify the customers if the package exceeds the volume limit
- For those who selected this service, please use manual payment services
- As the package has a wooden frame, the warehouse staff will leave a message in the order, and change to the sensitive channel by default.
Fee: Wooden pallet and wooden frame packaging services- minimum RM 190; wooden pallet- minimum RM 150
- Bubble wrap service
– Provide the package another layer of protection to ensure the customer can receive it in one piece
– Notes:
- Calculate according to the volume of the package, the minimum fee will be charged by default if it does not exceed the volume limit
- Customer service will notify the customers if the package exceeds the volume limit
- For those who selected this service, please use manual payment services.
Fee: Minimum RM 9
- Waterproof packaging
– Suitable to use during the rainy season to prevent the package from water ingress or exposure to water
– A waterproof packaging can fit a 60 x 40 x 40 carton
Fee: Minimum RM 3
How does it work?
Login to MP account>> International>> Add Parcel>> Choose the additional services

The extra services that need to inquire the customer service in advance:
5. Cash on Delivery
– Once the shipment is arrived at MYPOZ warehouse, the payment will be made by our staff first
– Only available in Guangzhou and Yiwu warehouse, kindly contact us beforehand for preparation of payment.
– If the cost of the COD service is less than RMB100 for a single order, our warehouse will handle this service option by default, no need to inform our customer service.
– Fee shall be
For more details, please refer to: Cash On Delivery (COD) Service
Fee: Calculated according to the daily foreign exchange rate and a RM5 service charge will be billed.
E.g.: RMB200 / 1.48 + RM5 =RM140.14
6. Forklift Service
We have our own forklift in our warehouse, this service is provided free of charge for heavy items. No extra rental charges for forklift services, exclusively for our customers.
7. Provide SST Invoice
Accounting is a very important element in our business, a SST invoice is all we need for declaring of account, however that invoice is not valid from overseas. We could provide a valid SST invoice for our items, kindly contact our customer service officer for more information.
8. Pick-up Service
If your supplier cannot deliver the items to our warehouse, you can request for a pick-up service directly from your supplier’s premise. You have to inform our customer service in advance:
MP no.:
Delivery/ Courier company:
Pickup address:
Waybill no.:
Courier contact no.:
No. of carton:
Fee: Minimum charged RMB180, calculated according to the daily foreign exchange rate and a RM5 service charge will be billed.
E.g.: RMB200 / 1.48 + RM5 =RM140.14